As for originality
I read your post on the flash msg board.
I see how you were trying to, I suppose, go with what came to mind. The concept being just that, what was going though your head. Traveling, haha!
I feel as if you may need to broaden your range of experimenting to include some other medians. Experience some more internally and in the nature of society, nature etc.
Because basically, it looks like you copied some random clips from David Firth and mixed em around a bit. Quite a blow to your originality concept. The best thing to do of course, is to keep on truckin' and developing, and maybe try creating the very thing opposite of what you normally would. Because save for the scribble of flashing words, this felt like imitation at it's heart. Not to be discouraging. And not to sound holier then thou either...
Just my immediate thoughts after seeing this. I may have gotten a little too deep there. :o