
92 Movie Reviews

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All I can say really is that I'd have liked to have seen more of the hosts personalities portrayed through the babies. The symbolism was there, in the faces, mics, and network symbol, but the babies themselves could have been anyone if the heads where switched.

Everything else was clever though.

celebribaby responds:

y'know- you're right. we really didn't think much about trying to put a lot of character specific personality in the babies. (except- I did throw in Jay's head nod laugh thing he does- lol).
but- yeah.. good call man- we'll take that into consideration on the next one.

Action packed animations only!

I like the cartoons that have that, kinda drawn out atmosphere. When things move kind of slowly, so that the viewer has time to take in the contrast between detail and comically under detailed characters and scenery. Regardless, I'd say the over view of the "office" in the beginning dragged on just a tad.

The tunnel part seemed sexual :D

The lack of music was fitting, but maybe some really soft ambient sounds in the back would have been a bit more involving.

I'd say 7.5

like a clock

His footsteps made me think of a ticking clock. As time was counting down. And once it hit the new hour a new person emerged from his skin...

I loved the comparison between the snake shedding his skin and the man as well...

I really enjoyed the lighting effects. The absence of voice or music really added to the feel of the environment.

Gotta check it

Ima have to check out that band, that was pretty sick :)

I draw stuff like that when I'm bored all the time but never thought of animating it.
I might give it a try, thanks for the inspiration ;)

no idea

I have no idea, why I find these so hilarious.

The voice acting is spot on, and the animation has charm, regardless of the obvious simplicity.

Sad face

I felt so bad when he was all squished lol

Nice way to storyboard.
One of the best games ever :)


Well you certainly have good vision. Reminded me of Silent Hill.

I'd like to see you're artwork improve. You already have a good grasp on perception, just need practice to implement it. But I mean, this was your first flash so bravo.

I especially enjoyed the part when the room dissolved into her nightmare.

Influous responds:

I'm quite the fan of the series.

wait a sec

Was that a geometry joke? lol

Yeah hollywood just takes a title and fucks with it however they want, which generally results in shit. Might as well make an asteroids movie. They're making a monopoly and battle ships movie too :p

PostTimeskipSam responds:

Go directly to jail, do not pass Go. Thanks for the review.

Damn hippies!

That was clever, and told a nice story. And a moral burned down by a house fire lol

I liked the hippies characteristics and exclamations :)

I did miss the interaction between pencil and drawing, but I suppose it's good to have broadened horizons within a series to keep from becoming stale.

Nicely done :)

"Such a hidden man who instinctively uses speech for silence and concealment and is inexhaustible in evading communication, wants a mask of him to roam the heads and hearts of his friends in his stead, and he makes sure that it does so." - Nietzsche

Sean K @falling

Age 37, Male



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