The imagination here is stupendous. This series is definitely a stamp on animation as a whole. I mean that full heartedly.
As for this particular episode, it could have done without the voice over. And when I say that I am in no way putting down that aspect, but simply applauding the imagery.
It takes skill to tell a story as descriptive as this without words. And it was done beautifully. The voice was icing on the cake.
I pray you continue to sweep me away in this world for a long time to come :)
The livelihood of 2D animation as a mainstream source of theater entertainment is slowing immensely, with it's future held significantly within the hands of Disney's new film, the Princess and the Frog bleh blah bleh.
But if this were to go into a major motion picture experience, with it's imagery, story telling, originality, and everything else included, it could blow it out of the water.