fun enough
For a browser based flash rpg, not to mention free game, this was impressive enough.
Fun art and animations, generic story and quests, simple to use attacks and skills. Fun and easy to pick up. Not extremely challenging, but you do have to be careful where you're character is at all times in relation to the enemies.
But why are there so many empty chests? Some scripted events would be the next step to bring this game to the next level. That level of course, may be above a game based in a browser of course.
I may have missed something, but when asked to "regiester" I could never find a button to do so! I mean, I even have a facebook account, but no where to sign in when usually these games can auto detect that I am already signed in. So I could never save and honestly I don't want to sit and play this all the way through.
Sound FX were fitting, music became bland and repetitive. Loved the Engrish!