
91 Game Reviews

5 w/ Responses


I found this game to be kind of, relaxing. The music, and idea of casually riding a bike around what appears to be a blueprint for a town, or something...

At the same time, you can get involved enough with the nonchalant atmosphere to kind of, overlook the fact that it does hold challenge. Keeping up with the camera and avoiding the obstacles.

The music stopped at some point for me, and that was slightly disappointing.
And perhaps a different mode, where the camera follows you, would be nice as well.

It was fun enough, but once I went for such a long time and fell, I didn't feel like playing anymore. Maybe if checkpoints noticeably locked in your score, a larger sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue would adhere to the game play.

It was nice, and I enjoyed it :)


It was hard avoiding the temptation to just shoot the humans over and over again lol

The fat guy sounded like a south park kind of death, if that makes any sense lol Maybe it's sampled?

In any case, fun fun :D


I'd love to see a more humanoid looking character with realistic blood and stuff as maybe an unlockable or something. Because I like that. :)

ttursas responds:

Drop Dead 2 will have this and more. :D

glitchy :(

Can be quite glitchy, this round I can't even buy turrets. And I see others have had the same problems with other aspects of the game. I'm sure with a some more work though you could have a very nice game :p

Maxwelldoggums responds:

I played for 20 minutes and I could buy turrets... I'll look into that. sorry. Thank you for your review.

Pleased Indeed

When I went into this game, and even a bit into the tutorial, I expected a pretty fun experience that could allow me a bit of creativity and freedom. Enough to keep me entertained for a few hours even.

But now that I've gotten through some challenges and opened my mind up in the incredibly expansive opportunity that is the sand box mode, I'm very, very pleased. From little characters to full fledged scenes of crazy creatures moving about, clockwork mechanisms, timed events, dialog even!

I'll be coming back to this program quite often, until you make a second that is ;)

Really there isn't much you can improve, but i'm sure you can add allot. I'm considering the sandbox mode mostly. Of course new challenges are on the way I'm sure.

Grand job :D


You managed to capture a suprising amount of feeling and fun in a rather small game. This version was great, but a new version featuring massive amounts of men and larger battle fields would be exciting. Longer battles, more upgrades and units. More missions, and envirnments. And multiplayer would be awesome as well.

Looking forward to more of this :D

Cool enough,

But... I wanted to shoot the old lady more then anyone else :(

FleckoGold responds:

Awe, sorry. Maybe next time...



Aww my goodness. It was short and sweet. Lovely :3


It was cute lol Practice makes perfect yeah?

at first

At first I thought this was a pretty fun game, but there are alot of levels and every level is nearly the same. If I build two cactus, one rose, and one of the rocket knomes or whatever, then keep upgrading, the level is beat.

If there were more towers to unlock as the game went along, different enemies, music, and envirnments, it would help move this game along. Something other then a few new bends in the path.

"Such a hidden man who instinctively uses speech for silence and concealment and is inexhaustible in evading communication, wants a mask of him to roam the heads and hearts of his friends in his stead, and he makes sure that it does so." - Nietzsche

Sean K @falling

Age 37, Male



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